Sunday, February 17, 2008


It's been four months since my last post and I apologize. After a semester and a half I am still learning to fit everything I have to do into my schedule and somewhere along the line updating this blog just fell through the cracks. So let's see. Where to start? God blessed me with a great first semester of seminary. He gave me the grace to work hard and do well in all my classes, and also allowed me to meet a lot of awesome people. One of the awesome things about Trinity is that people come here from all over the world to get the training they need to handle the Word of God faithfully so they can spread the gospel to the people in their own countries. On my own hall I have the privilege of living in between one guy from Sri Lanka and another from South Korea. A little further down the hall is a man from Indonesia and a guy from Romania. Some of these guys have parted from their wives and children for a time in order to attend school here. It's amazing to see their dedication to Christ and the gospel that sustains them through such sacrifices.

God also provided me with a very interesting part-time job last August that has been a great blessing. At the beginning of last semester I began working at Kelley and Spalding Funeral Home, where my friend Ryan Beardsley and I work as visitation attendants. It's been a wonderful job in that the hours are usually in the evenings, the people I work with are extremely enjoyable, and I am often able to study vocabulary while working. I am also thankful to have a job while in seminary that keeps me reminded often of the reality that I will very shortly be with the Lord Jesus. John Piper recently posted this amazing quote on his website:

"You can be so interested in great theological and intellectual and philosophical problems that you tend to forget that you are going to die."

-Martin Lloyd-Jones, Preaching and Preachers, p. 193.

Pray for me that all of my studying and learning will be done in full recognition of my own approaching death, and in steadfast faith in the great hope of the gospel. There is so much more to tell, but this will have to do for now. My next post will hopefully be quite sooner than the last one. Also, I'm experimenting with different colors for my blog. I can't seem to find the right one. Any suggestions let me know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Brooks - long time no see!! I love the quote. I'm stealing it from you.